Get These Limited Time iPhone and Android Apps For Free

Well, it looks like we have arrived at yet another weekend, and for those who do not follow Euro 2024, perhaps you might want to spend more time with your smartphone. Rather than go through the same old apps each week, why not try something new? Of course, we do all the hard work behind the scenes to look for new apps and games, whether they are productivity apps or entertainment titles to keep you glued to your smartphone. As usual, we have a fresh list of apps that is currently available completely free of charge on both the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.

Perhaps you wonder, “How is this possible?” I’m going to answer straight here. Some developers do have a spirit of generosity to make available their titles for free, albeit only for a while. This provides you the chance to experience their premium apps without spending a single penny. As mentioned, these are limited-time offers, so be quick about it!
However, it’s important to note that this list is different from our carefully curated Top 5 Apps of the Week list. After all, we haven’t reviewed each app personally in this collection. Some of these apps may contain advertisements and offer in-app purchases, but they still offer much value. Go ahead and check out this week’s selection of free apps. Who knows? You might just discover a hidden gem of a game or a productivity tool!

Tip: If you come across an app that you’d like to have but don’t need right now, download and install it first. It would be considered as “bought” and it will be available in your app library forever—even if you uninstall it from your smartphone right after.

Android apps and games that are free for a limited time
Android apps for productivity and lifestyle

Applock Pro ($4.49): Increase the privacy of your smartphone with this app, as it makes sure each app will require some sort of biometric, PIN, or password to access specific apps.
DJ Mix Studio ($12.99): Mix your own beats with this app, where you can live out your dream to be a DJ!
Sound Meter ($2.99): Ever wondered how loud or silent your home or office is? Find out with this app.
Millimeter Pro ($2.99): Don’t have a ruler? Fret not, there’s an app for that. This app can help you measure right down to the millimeter.

Free Android games

One Shot ($0.99): A puzzle game where you have just one shot to clear each level. Do you have what it takes?
The Rich King ($0.99): Everybody cannot have enough money no matter how much they already own. Capture various districts by robbing others!
Galaxy Attack Premium ($0.99): Oh, how often has it been for you to save the galaxy from an alien invasion? Your skills are called upon once again in this shoot ’em up.
Boom Land ($0.99): This is like Angry Birds, but with a twist. Hopefully your grasp of physics is decent enough to progress in this game.
Offline Tap Tap Cartoonist ($0.99): Simulating the life of a cartoonist, you have control over how you wish this cartoonist’s life is played out.

Affiliate offer

iOS apps that are free for a short time
iOS apps for productivity and lifestyle

Day Cost 2 ($0.99): Keep track of your finances to make sure you’re always on good financial footing with this app.
PropFun Pro ($0.99): Change how you capture photos with this fun app, where you can have digitally generated props for fun shots.
Tiny Planner ($19.99): A planner and a journal all rolled into one. Get your life in order with this easy-to-use app as you jot down your daily thoughts and work out the future.
Weather: It is nice outside ($0.29): Knowing the weather, or at least having a prediction of what it will be is crucial, especially when you want to do your laundry or go for a trip.
Sound Touch ($4.99): Toddler and baby flash cards to keep your little bundle of joy occupied and learning. 

Free games for the iPhone and iPad

Sapan ($0.99): Your finger functions like a slingshot as you attempt to hit all the blocks in each level.
Juggly Ball ($1.99): How good are your reflexes? Can you keep on juggling the balls for as long as possible?
Khromax ($0.99): Drag the various colorful stars around the screen, where they make music as they explode. Certainly a game to keep the little ones occupied.
Rally Stars ($3.99): A rally racing game with realistic graphics, where you can enjoy all the thrills and spills without risk of injury or death.
Tap Dot Tap ($0.29): Just how fast are your reflexes? This game will surely give you a glimpse of how fast you can tap the dots.

Affiliate offer

Before you download one of the apps mentioned, we recommend that you check the details of the app in the Play Store or App Store. This is important because some of these free apps may have their own special features or disadvantages.
In-app purchases and advertising: Don’t be surprised!
Be careful with both free and paid apps, as they can hide in-app purchases and advertising. This is particularly significant when downloading games for children. To avoid unexpected problems, please follow the advice below:

App permissions: Read the small print!
With mobile apps, there is a handful of those that feature sneaky tactics to make money by collecting and sharing your personal information. Fear not, dear readers, for we have some invaluable advice to help you safeguard your precious data. We recommend you be discerning when granting permissions to the installed apps.
After all, why should a simple alarm clock need access to your camera or contacts? And why does a flashlight app need to know your exact location? By carefully choosing which permissions to grant, you can effectively protect your personal information from prying eyes.
So go ahead and explore the vast array of free app downloads on your Android or iOS device, with the peace of mind that your data remains secure and safeguarded.
That’s all for now when it comes to this week’s edition of free apps and games! Is there an app or game you think the community ought to benefit from? Do let us know in the comments.

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